SINGULAR | lepemu vlaku | lepi sobi | lepemu mestu |
DUAL | lepima vlakoma | lepima sobama | lepima mestoma |
PLURAL | lepim vlakom | lepim sobam | lepim mestom |
Words whose root ends in c / č / j / š / ž | MASCULINE | NEUTER |
DUAL | lepima muzejema | lepima gledališčema |
PLURAL | lepim muzejem | lepim gledališčem |
The 3rd case (dative) is used to denote the INDIRECT OBJECT of a verb, i.e. it expresses TO WHICH/WHOM something is done.
Marjan da psu hrano. [ Marjan is giving food TO the dog. ] Pišem Barbari pismo. [ I am writing a letter TO Barbara. ] Ivana prinese sinu kavo. [ Ivana is taking coffee TO her son. ]
Some verbs which are followed by a DIRECT OBJECT in English, take an INDIRECT OBJECT in Slovene:
Moram pomagati mami. [ I must help mum. ] Telefoniram Mateju. [ I am phoning Matej. ]
The 3rd case (dative) is also used after the prepositions K/H meaning MOVEMENT TO SOMEONE'S (PLACE).
H is used before the consonants K and G. K is used in the other cases.
Gremo k Mojci. [ We are going to Mojca's (house). ] Grem k zobozdravniku. [ I am going to the dentist. ] A greš h Gabrielu? [ Are you going to Gabriel's (house). ]
When we wish to say that we are AT SOMEONE'S (PLACE), i.e. we express LOCATION instead of MOVEMENT, we use the preposition PRI followed by the 5th case (locative).