SINGULAR | lep vlak lepega fanta * | lepo sobo | lepo mesto |
DUAL | lepa vlaka | lepi sobi | lepi mesti |
PLURAL | lepe vlake | lepe sobe | lepa mesta |
* People and living creatures
The 4th case (accusative) is used for the DIRECT OBJECT of a sentence.
Sara ima lepega fanta. [ Sara has got a good-looking boyfriend. ] Imam sestro. [ I've got a sister. ] Pijejo kavo. [ They drink coffee. ]
The 4th case (accusative) is also used after the prepositions NA / V when they express MOVEMENT TO a place.
- Greš v kino? - Ne, grem na sprehod. [ - Are you going to the cinema? - No, I'm going for a walk. ] Gremo v službo z vlakom. [ We go to work by train. ] Hodim na univerzo. [ I go to university. ]
The 4th case (accusative) is also used after the preposition ZA when it means FOR, i.e. when it expresses PURPOSE.
Potrebujemo moko za torto. [ We need flour for the cake. ] Kupim darilo za Mateja. [ I'm buying a present for Matej. ]
The 4th case (accusative) is also used after some prepositions (MED [ AMONG, BETWEEN ], PRED [ BEFORE, IN FRONT OF ], POD [ UNDER ], NAD [ OVER, ABOVE ]) when they come after a verb of MOVEMENT.
When the same prepositions come after a verb of LOCATION, they are followed by the 6th case (instrumental).